Saturday, July 19, 2008

Post One, The Basics

A few weeks ago, I won an Imperial Guard army in a raffle at my local Games Workshop, proof that good things happen to bad people. It took quite some time to come up with a theme for the army, as really, I wouldn't be caught dead playing a "typical" army. After considering a WW2 British, Samurai/Imperial Japan, hyper-religious and mechanical themes, I decided to go with what I knew and make a steampunk army based loosely on the British forces of the Napoleonic War, and continue my my policy of plastic only.

Rather than the unarmoured Praetorians, backwards in thought but not technology, the Vernian are literately steampunk, powering everything with steam engines and clockwork springs. While the basic infantry are for the most part unconverted (it's an infantry army, and like hell I'm converting 100+ guardsmen) the tanks, guns, and support units are all to be modified in some way or another.

So, first shots as I continue to work on the army, then!

This is the test soldier, Private Duncan, of First Squad, Foot Guard Platoon (Assault Troops) Basically, his platoon has meltaguns in it, and their bases are yellow to tell them apart. He's a good example of how different somebody can look from the standard even without converting; holding him up to a "regular" guardsman is quite a contrast.

The second model is Ensign Shields, of the same squad. He's basically the squad sergeant, and he turned out really well I think. He's got a wooden chainsword, seems sort of contradictory, eh?

Squad one in their full glory. Looks very regal, don't you think? This is the first army I've done in the "assembly line" system, everyone else, even my old guard army, had their men done painstakingly one at a time.

The first Basilisk tank, or "Self-Propelled Steam Powered Howitzer" as the Vernians would refer to it as. Crewed by blue-coated artillery instead of purple-coated calvary/armour soldiers, it and it's doppleganger provides all the heavy fire support for the Vernians. Powered by a miniturized steam engine that transfers heat to the water tank under the gun deck, it as a low speed, but honestly doesn't have to move that often. It's basic design idea was to fuse some locomotive in with tank chassis.

Well, that's it for now. Next time more squads, more vehicles, and some heavy weapons! Unless I run into some more horrible controversy or get hit by a car or something.